Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Good Sunday

I slept in, and didn't get up until around 9:30 when Jake, my 85 lb dark golden, jumped in the bed, paraded around with a stuffed squirrel in his mouth, while wagging his fluffy tail wildly. He jumped off the bed and jumped back on again two more times. Then my lighter golden, Amy, who licked my face the first chance she got. Jack brought me fresh coffee, and then we just sat in the bedroom to chat, enjoy our coffee and play with the dogs.

I got out of the bed around 10 to start my day, picking up the kitchen a little then did some light laundry. I turned on the iPod, and played the Beatles albums shuffled. I spent most of my time reading the Percy Jackson series, cause housework gets old very quickly. The book was quite creative and enjoyable. Though it was not Harry Potter, I actually stayed awake reading it. We then took the dogs to 3rd

Who is to blame?

We should learn to take responsibility for our lives, deal with our decisions and the consequences. Stop blaming our parents, boyfriend/husband, bosses, company policies, the society or the dogs. Or the desk for my lack of creativity, very convenient.

I admit it is very tempting to say it's everyone else's fault but mine. After all, why shouldn't we be born prettier, wealthier, smarter and luckier? So that we can have an easier life, and be happy forever and ever? But at the end of the day, we have to deal with ourselves, with whatever we are equipped.

The Sunscreen Song

Back in 1999 when I graduated from college, there was a hip rap song called "Everybody is Free (to wear Sunscreen)". Last Friday I suddenly had this urge to listen to this song, as I remember I really liked it. I found the music video on youtube, after some further research, I found its interesting background.

There were many music videos created for this song internationally, but this one was the original one:

There were some internet scams and hoax relating to this song when it first came out, but here is an article explaining the true background and its writer Mary Schmich.

Here is the actual column, which contains the full version of what the song was made from.,0,4054576.column

The first time I heard this song when it first came out, I liked it as there were a lot of good advices in it. Now that I listen to it again. I liked it even more, as I feel that I completely understand it, and it's something I would write to advice others.

Watched Avatar in SF Metreom

Yesterday Jack and I invited my friend Maryam to Metreon in San Francisco to see Avatar in IMAX 3D. Believe it or not, nowadays you can't just go to a movie theater, buy tickets and expect to watch a movie, at least not for a big blockbuster like Avatar.

We wanted to do this 3 weeks ago, but when we called Fandango on Wednesday of that week, we found out that all tickets to Metreon IMAX 3D were sold out. So then we had to wait until this week, as Jack was out for business trip last week. We called to buy 3 tickets on Tuesday, printed out the receipt and hoped that nothing would go wrong when we got to the theater.

The show time was at 8:30 PM on Saturday, we planned to get to the theater 1 hour ahead and wait in line, just to make sure we could get good seats we like. Maryam couldn't come until around 7:45 PM. Jack said "absolutely not, didn't you realize this movie was sold out for 3 weeks?" So I tried to push Maryam to come as early as 7:30 to wait in line, which she said twice she would try. Both Jack and I knew she would be late anyway. We stayed home to relax before we left for the movie. After we took the dogs out for a walk, Jack worked on his iPhone app, and I read the Percy Jackson book.

We left home at 5 PM. Jack didn't say anything on the road, I knew he was worried about Maryam. We parked at the lot next to the theater, which would be super expensive since we would have to park for so many hours. Metreon was such a special theater, or it used to be anyway. It used to be called Sony Metreon with IMAX. Sony had this retail/demo station for all of its products, which occupied half of the first floor. Once a while, Jack would find an excuse to take me there for movie, so that he could play with the latest Sony electronics before or after the show. It used to be the state-of-the-art place and there always was a crowd. People playing with Sony electronics, shopping at the ultra hip shops such as discovery store and other smaller vendors, or lounge at coffee shops and restaurants. Needless to say, once we got there, we planned to stay for a while.

We planned to have dinner at the Chinese restaurant called Long Life inside Metreon. That has always been our pre-movie event since the movie theater was opened 10 years ago. That explains the shock and disappointment when we found that Long Life and some of the other restaurants were out of business. We ended up having dinner at one of 3 restaurants that still survived. I had beef stew, which wasn't bad, though it wasn't Jungle Curry either. During dinner we reflected on how the life and energy of the old Metreon was gone. Even the Sony store and Discover store, along with many other original vendors of the place were closed out. Leaving many vacant shop spaces. One thing I learned about getting older was how frequently I am saying, "10 years ago, it used to be such and such." It doesn't make me feel any younger, but today is not coming back either. So I have to take advantage of every minute in my life.

We finished dinner at 6:30 and went straight to the theater entrance. There were already 5 or 6 people waiting in line for Avatar. Jack asked them how they were sure where they were sitting was the beginning of the line, they laughed thinking he was joking, and didn't give him a straight answer. So Jack went to ask the people collected tickets at the door to verify. We both brought the Percy Jackson books to read while waiting in line, but the lighting was really dim so it was difficult. I read it anyway, but Jack was wondering around and watching the entrance for the trace of Maryam.

Maryam got there at around 7:45, the long line waiting for Avatar was already wrapped around 3 times. I was glad she got there in time to look at the line, as that was the only way for her to appreciate and understood about our request for her to come 1 hour before showtime. We all enjoyed the movie. This was the second time for Jack and I to watch it, and Maryam loved it as her first time watching this movie.

The parking was $21 for us, and $14 for Maryam. Oh, the movie ticket was $17 per person getting from Fandango.

The end

What To Do in a Rainy Sunday Before Election Tuesday?

It’s June 5th, 2022, and we are graced by unseasonal pouring rain. We rejoice with gratitude. We went to Main Street to have breakfast, then...