Sunday, September 20, 2015

Humorous headlines

I found these funny headlines and thought I share them.

Red wine could help slow dementia onset (but you'd have to drink 1,000 bottles a day)

Universal urination duration wins Ig Nobel prize

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Sun Zse's top strategy

Jack told me he had been reading Sun Zse's Art of War during his commute, and "so far, it's pretty boring."

I said: "Well, I haven't read the Art of War, but I know Sun Zse had thirty six strategies. Do you know what was his top strategy?"

Jack: "No."

I laughed and said: "Run away!"

What To Do in a Rainy Sunday Before Election Tuesday?

It’s June 5th, 2022, and we are graced by unseasonal pouring rain. We rejoice with gratitude. We went to Main Street to have breakfast, then...