Sunday, February 28, 2016


Every weekend, I spend part of the morning tidy up the house - doing dishes and laundry, sorting mails. Usually that's all I got to do (if I'm lucky) before I got totally bored and had to get out of the house for some fresh air. I often think to myself: thank God for dish washers, washing machines and dryers. I can't imagine living without these appliances.

On an interview with Jimmy Fallon last week, Bill and Melinda Gates were being asked: "If you have a super power, what would it be?" I really like Melinda's answer. She said: "That would be time." Then she explained, women world wide spend 4 to 6 hours everyday to take care of the household chores and their family in addition to their normal full time job. She wished there was a way to give back that time to women.

To me, that's so true. Household chores are endless. I admit I'm not a good house maker in any stretch of the imagination, but I was brought up learning all the right things to be one. I wish to be better at it, but there is simply not enough time, and it is quite boring. So my house is always a working progress, and I'm not apologetic about it, because sometimes I prefer to blog, do yoga, read some books or simply relax!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! That is my Mom's theory, "Yes the house is a mess, but I have more important things to do like read a book"


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