Saturday, February 11, 2017

These days

Whenever I feel like blogging or think of a topic, the mood just got ruined by the fact that Trump is our president now and all the bad things he and his cronies are doing to this country, in the short two weeks since he took office. How can I talk about movies, enlightenment, or tease my own silliness, when there is so much hurtful negativity going on? Excuse me for I have no mood to write to entertain anymore.

I wish you would read this article on the link below.

This essay brought me to tears. I admit I had been living a somewhat sheltered life - growing up and living in the most diverse place in the U.S. and working in a really diverse company, but I have experienced discrimination of being Asian American and a woman. Please accept the simple truth: if you are not a minority, you will never understand how it is to be one, and if you care to try to understand, then read this essay. With the Trump protectionism, it will just make minorities - that is, everyone except white men and the super rich - more closed up again instead of being more opened. So, no it's NOT OK to have the Trump rhetoric! And we must resist and fight for justice!

White People: I Don’t Want You To Understand Me Better, I Want You To Understand Yourselves

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