Saturday, June 24, 2017

More on self-peeling apples

I always joke that Jake is a dog with propriety. He only eats food that he likes, and if he doesn't like it, he doesn't take it, or even if he takes it, he spits it out. Unlike Amy, she eats anything, and if we don't give her what we are eating, she begs for it and she is a very effective beggar. Jake's begging is more like: OK, I'm looking at you with sparkling eyes, and if you like me, you can give you what you are eating. There are only some scenarios where this "rule" breaks every single time.

This one time, I was cutting chicken. Jake sat there leaning against my leg and panting with excitement. Amy was right next to him, as if both of them were using their collective mind control to get some chicken into their bellies. I ignored both of them as usual. After a few minutes, I felt some warm moisture dripped on my bare foot. I looked down and found that Jake was drooling all over me.

Of course this is just showing the dog has a certain taste. His "propriety" shows when he carefully choose bushes and out-of-the-way spots to do his business, which I won't elaborate it here.

So yes, Jake is a regal-looking dog, until he starts drooling, then he is just cute and lovable. Don't large, the poor dog can't help it.

OK, back to the title of the post. I wrote about how Jack likes self-peeling oranges and apples. Sometimes I gave the dogs peeled apple pieces too. It's good for them, and it sounds cute when they actually chew on the crunchy apples. One time, I gave Jake a piece of unpeeled apple, because, apple peels are good for us; and he spitted it right out. I was a little surprised but wasn't bothered, as I offered it to Amy and she happily took it.

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