Having a good hair cut, like having a good massage or facial, is a very personal business. I have learn not to choose a new beautician lightly, or I would end up being upset for a long time. So I did plenty of research before calling for any appointment, and once I picked a beautician that I like, I wouldn't let go unless he/she let me go.
The weekend before Chinese New Year, I was so desperate that I called all the hair-dressers close to home, to see who could give me a haircut on Sunday. Most of the spa/salons nowadays don't have any receptionist and the professionals are independent contractors to the salons. This is either something to do with the economy, or it is just a new way people do business now, I am not sure. So instead of calling the salon to make an appointment, you have to call the hair-dressers' phone number, leave them messages indicating your need and the time you want, then wait for them to call you back.
The weekend before Chinese New Year, I was so desperate that I called all the hair-dressers close to home, to see who could give me a haircut on Sunday. Most of the spa/salons nowadays don't have any receptionist and the professionals are independent contractors to the salons. This is either something to do with the economy, or it is just a new way people do business now, I am not sure. So instead of calling the salon to make an appointment, you have to call the hair-dressers' phone number, leave them messages indicating your need and the time you want, then wait for them to call you back.
I did that on Saturday when I was waiting in the theater to watch The King's Speech, which turned out to be an absolute delight. I must have called 5 different ladies. A couple of them called back saying they didn't work on Sundays and suggested someone else or suggested a time during the week. I reluctantly made an appointment for Wednesday, which would be New Years Eve just in case.
Sunday was absolutely miserable with rainy weather, so we stayed home instead of taking the dogs out for their runs. Around 3 PM, after I finished all of my house chores, I bit the bullet and called a salon in Half Moon Bay downtown to see if anyone was working there. I was pleasantly surprised that I got an appointment for 5 PM with the owner of the salon. I was excited.
I had a good hair cut, but I am not sure if I would go back to her. The salon was nice, and I was offered tea when I got in. The people there were way too chatty. There were totally 3 hair dressers working at the time, and they were having so much fun making 'smart' remarks about people. The other two stylists seemed to kiss up to the salon owner a lot, and the owner surely enjoyed the attention. After all, she did own two upscale salons around the neighborhood. As for me, I am just happy that nobody messed up my hair.
The search for my stylist shall continue.
The search for my stylist shall continue.