Thursday, December 31, 2015

Practice, practice, practice

"How do you get to Carnegie Hall?"
"Practice, practice, practice."

I used to only think of "practice" in the context of playing musical instruments, because of this quote. From practice, you are able to master the skills in playing the musical instrument, so that you are good enough to perform in such prestigious places as the Carnegie Hall.

Recently I realized that "practice makes perfect" is not only limit to playing musical instruments. It can be applied to anything you do, sports, drawing, and any of your skilled crafts, such as programming, writing or design. Whatever it is, the more you do it - practice - you get better at doing it.

Not everyone is born with certain talent like Mozart. The rest of us are not totally hopeless, we just have to put our heart into what we are doing, and keep practicing to get better at our craft. Just don't give up, and keep trying.

With that said, I remember in my earlier years, I used to think the sky was the limit. I thought I could do anything and be successful in everything I tried. Nowadays the sky is getting lower and lower, maybe because I am able to understand and accept my own limitations.

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