Thursday, December 12, 2013


I have been missing myself lately.

I just came back from an international trip, and over the last few days, I had been exclaiming: how nice it is to be back!

It's nice to have clean toilets which flush properly. A toilet flush is like melody to my ears.
It's nice to be out and about where there is no cigarette smoke, nor people talking loudly.
It's nice to be able to plug in to electric outlets without worrying about destroying my gadgets.
It's nice to have Internet access at my palm using my beautiful new iPhone, without worrying about wifi availability.
It's nice to be able to drive myself to places in my own car.
More importantly, it's nice to be home!

While I'm shaking my Asia blues, I seemed to remember why I didn't make these trips more frequently. On the other hand, it's nice to be truly appreciative of what I have once in a while.

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