Monday, November 18, 2013

Jake's nemesis in the garage

Jake is our dark golden retriever. He is almost 5. He is fluffy, handsome, and happy. He has huge paws and walks like a tiger.

The first thing I hear in the morning is his happy tail sweeping around, hitting everything on its path. He would search around the house for the ball, his toys, or a shoe before getting his breakfast. His most favorite thing is fetching his orange ball over and over again.

Jake has a nemesis in the garage. See, our washer of three years, though a new model, shakes and makes loud noises when it's in use. Whenever I do laundry, Jake would stay at the patio, and barking nonstop at the garage. I figure he must be barking at the washer.

Today we did 3 loads of laundry, and Jake was very rowdy all day. We compensated the dogs with more milk bones and lots of love.

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