Friday, November 8, 2013

Business suit, lipstick and yoga pants

One of the weird things about going to technical conferences is, usually during breaks, when people race to the restroom, the women's restroom is almost always nearly empty, while our male counterparts are waiting in long lines. At least, those were the observation and amusement in the early days of my career.

I had the rare chance to wear my blue suit today for an event at work. It was so unlike me to wear a suit, I felt out of place. I rushed to work early in the morning, and barely had enough time to put on some lipstick before rushing into the building. I left my lipstick in my pocket, while reminding myself not to pull it out in front of respectable people.

After a long and eventful day - shaking hands with senior execs; getting a glimpse of the CEO, and yes, we did treat her like a queen at the lab -I went to teach my very first yoga class at a studio. It was a good class. Everyone came out refreshed, relaxed and beaming, which pleased me.

After class, I walked out of the yoga studio with my yoga outfit and business suit on top to keep warm. I was slightly embarrassed by the mix-matched outfit, but thankfully, it was very dark so nobody could see me that well.

What a day, and how I survived. Now it's time to let everything go and check out for the day.

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