Saturday, November 2, 2013

The shortest relationships

What do you think qualifies as a shortest relationship?

I have one in mind that we encounter almost everyday, but you may not think of it that way.

When I drive, I feel that my relationship with the other drivers on the road can be the short relationships.

Sometimes, the other drivers pass me to get ahead, and I learn to accept that, and gladly let them do so, because I don't want someone to be tailgating me anyway, especially on one-lane mountain roads.

Some other times, the relationship with other drivers can be quite harmonious. We keep our respectful distances, from the front to the back and stay away from each others' blind spots. We should be good drivers, keep both hands on the steering-wheel and be observant to the surroundings. At that time, driving can be pleasant and safe.

Defensive driving is like an art. It is an art to learn to deal with others within the society with many different personalities and from all walks of lives, and not being frustrated or hurt by others' ruthlessness. It is an art to accept and adapt to situations without getting oneself out of balance. It is an art to let go of one's ego and judgement occasionally. It's also an art to be able to recognize the smallest goodness and celebrate it.

Life is an art. How do we build healthy relationships and get rid of bad ones? It seems to be a life-long lesson, and we have our whole lives to practice and be better at it.

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