Thursday, August 7, 2014

Divergent, the movie

The society separates people into 5 groups based on the personality traits: bravery - dauntless, selflessness - abnegation, intelligence - erudite, honesty - candor and kindness - amity. Once people come of age, they get tested to see which group, faction, they belong to and they can choose the faction, which they will be part of, for the rest of their lives. Each faction performs duty for the society. They believe this system keeps a peaceful society.

So this totally doesn't make sense to me. How can anyone belief a person can only possess one characteristic exclusively? It's a silly system that will surely create rebellions and revolution.

Another dystopia movie, like Hunger Games, Aeon Flux, and Gattaca. To my surprise, I liked this movie. It's not so violent; has good actors; and things weren't too exaggerating. Overall, it's an entertaining movie.

What I don't understand is, why anyone feels the needs to make duplicate efforts to portrait dystopian stories? Don't they all end the same way?

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