Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Turned off

I have a bone to pick with Yoga Journal. As much as I like the information provided by the magazine, I am totally turned off by its advertisements. I feel strongly that YJ is taking advantage of Yoga practitioners' passion to influence them in terms of what they should wear, eat, give as gifts, use as makeups, and even on supplements. The ads made YJ seems unjustifiably shallow and unsatisfying. In this way, YJ is just the same as the rest of our capitalistic commercial businesses.

You may ask, why so negative? After all, the magazine is in the business to make money, and its number one source of income is advertisement, just like any other lifestyle or hobby magazines, such as Fitness, Cooking or Golf. It maybe obvious to some, that money making againsts Yogic ways, which advocate simplicity and inner contentment.

Does one really need a new pair of Lucy Yoga Pants or Gaiam mat to deepen the practice?

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