Friday, August 8, 2014

Listened but not heard

Yesterday I drove for an hour to have a group lunch in Mountain View. I tuned in to NPR during my drive.

On the way out of Half Moon Bay, my wondering mind was caught by a story of the conviction of the Michigan man, who shot and killed a black woman when she knocked on his front door around 4 AM in the morning. But since I wasn't close paying attention, I missed the part where they said what the man was convicted for.

On the way back home, the PBS News Hour was on. The same story was told, and I listened this time. The short description of the story was repeated, and that the man was convicted in court. The anchor again brought up the comparison of this case with the Trayvon Martin case in Florida. When it transitioned to the next story, I was puzzled, and asked: "So what was he convicted for, again?"

Is it just me, or is the respectable Gwen Eiffel missing the key part of the information in this news item?

Later on I finally found out that the man in this case was convicted of second degree murder.

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