Thursday, September 11, 2014

Movies to be deleted

A year ago when we upgraded our direcTV package, we got a huge amount of DVR disk space for recording movies. So we thought. I have to say I enjoy to be pleasantly surprised by finding interesting movies on movie channels, so we use the DVR a lot.

Now we only have less than 30% space left, so we were forced to delete some movies. What to delete and what to be kept went through some sort of negotiation between the two of us, even though we agreed about some of them.

I'm writing down the deleted or to be deleted movies for the record.

Blue jasmine 
- Recent Oscar winner. Good movie, but I won't have the mood to watch it again, because it is too depressing and intense.
- We watched it twice. A classic kids movie where there are popular kids v.s. nerds. The end is kind of like Napoleon Dynamite. I guess Napoleon copied from Lloyd because Lloyd is a much older movie.
Out towners 
- One of the first Goldie Hawn movies I have ever watched. She is a good actress and good comedian.
Exaggerated and funny, easy going, good for late night entertainment to fall asleep.  
The banger sister
- Another Goldie Hawn movie, good plot.
Guess who is coming for dinner?
- Classic. Sydney Poitier, Katherine Hepburn, Spancer Tracy. Need I say more? But it is very serious and intense, so I don't expect to watch it again.
- Hmm... Only watched part of it, and go the gits of it, and never had the interest of watching the whole thing. Something to do with medical method in older times to give women orgasm. I'm sure it's not everyone's cup of tea. 
- Nice movie, but I can't watch movies about human hunting or harming animals, on land or in water.
Stranger than fiction
- Interesting story, but the writer is too depressed for me to watch the movie again.

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