Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Talking dirty

Here are some examples of me "talking dirty". If you don't use this term to define being technical in certain professional areas, then just think of it as a private joke.

Work -
One day in recent months, I was working with a client trying to figure out what in his Java program could cause the error we saw in our product. We had a web session to discuss my findings, as I tried to explain to him my theory of what could cause the issue, and what was my proposal to resolve the problem. From the top of the program, I discussed the constants, which were labeled "public static final", constructors, and then how multiple threads were created. As I talked my way through the program making sure the client understood and agreed with me, I found myself smiling inside, because I felt that I was: "Talking dirty."

At the same time I was amused that 10 years after working at the same job, I still feel out-of-place when talking like a software engineer.

World Cup -
I watched the semi-finals and the final match of the World Cup. After the first game, I found myself talking about off side, and forward and Messi. I was really talking like a pro when I wasn't even fan.

Kiteboarding -
Last year, I only kited one day in March, so I felt disconnected with the sport this May when I had my first kiteboarding day. After one day in the water, I was talking to my fellow kiteborder friends using terms like: gusty wind, overpower, how easy it was to go upwind, and how big the swells were.

I guess the only time I didn't feel like I was "talking dirty" was when I was talking Yoga. I can naturally tell people to relax the shoulders; take the attention inwards; inhale belly to chest, exhale chest then belly; release the tension through the forehead and let it flow into the earth.


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