Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Have faith

If people told you when you mix blue with yellow, you get green, do you believe it? All you need is try it out to find out.

Similarly if you were taught, two plus two is equal to four, do you believe it? It could be explained in many ways. Such as, if you have 2 apples, that is two fingers, and Tony gave you two more apples, that is adding two fingers, then how many apples do you have totally? The answer is four. Do you have to be convinced further? Initially when we learn, we have to have faith believing things work the way we were taught, and we then could learn to reason with other more complex problems out as we go.

In Yoga. If your teacher said twist poses such as twisted chair helped strengthen the muscles around the spine, and helped with digestion, and you experienced the effect of the poses over practice, would you believe it? If you do believe it, then would you know to do the poses when you have the need for it? So on and so forth.

And this is the similarity of math/science and Yoga.

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