Friday, October 24, 2014

My Saturday with AT&T and Apple - part I

With AT&T

A couple of weeks ago, my iPhone 5S had a blank screen. I could still receive and answer phone calls, and even used Siri, but the screen was just blanked. We researched and tried many different ways, but none worked, so I had to spend a beautiful Saturday trying to fix the issue.

Leaving home earlier than usual, we first went to AT&T store. At the door, we were greeted by a very friendly and knowledgeable store manager. She patiently listened to my problem, and asked if we tried the suggested troubleshoot steps. When we said yes, she put our names down on a shiny iPad, and told us we were number 7 on the list.

We walked around the store looking at different kinds of phones and tablets. When we got bored, we took a seat around a nice counter high table, chatted and people watching. After 30 minutes, a sharp looking young man, Mr. I, came to us. We shook hands, and I explained to him my problem. He checked the phone to decide there was nothing he could do to revive it.

I explained that I was in the Next program, which entitled me a new phone every 12 months. Here came the bad news, which delivered in the kindest way possible by Mr. I. He said with the Next program I was indeed entitled a new phone upgrade, which would be 1 month away from now, but at the time I would have to return a fully functional current phone, but since my phone was not fully functional, in order to get an upgraded phone, I would have to pay off what I owe for the current phone.

Then I mentioned that I had bought AT&T insurance, would that entitle me a new phone? He said, yes, with AT&T insurance, they could give us a replacement iPhone 5S with a $199 deductible. I stared at him to see if he was joking, but he was sincere and courteous.

"I am confused," I puzzled, "didn't the $9.99 per month insurance with AT&T qualify me with a new phone when it broke?" Since I expected to walk out the door with a shiny new phone, $199 was really a bad news.

"It did qualify you with a new phone with a $199 deductible." Said Mr. I. matter-of-factly.

"I wasn't aware of any deductibles when I signed up." I frown and maintain eye contact.

"There has always been a $199 deductible for replacement with the insurance." Said the polite and well-practiced Mr. I.

"Did you know about the deductible?" I helplessly check with Jack. He shook his head and was very sympathetic.

When I was thoroughly disappointed with this conversation, Mr. I. suggested that I took the phone to Apple store and see if they could fix it. If they fixed it, then I could still do an upgrade next month and turned in a functional phone. If they couldn't fix it, then they would replace it with a new phone because my phone was still under the 1 year warranty with Apple.

"You have to go to Apple store by the 20th though, because that's when your warranty went out with Apple."

With my mind still clinging on the disappointment with AT&T, I didn't totally understand Mr. I.'s  life-saving suggestion, and was still dazed about all the additional fees I have paid over the last 11 months.

Luckily, Jack understood it perfectly, and asked some more questions to ensure the plan could work, while I slowly caught up with the conversation.

"I'm sorry I'm slow about these plans, insurances and warranties with Apple and AT&T. So you are saying Apple store maybe able to fix this or give me a new phone if they couldn't?"

"No problem, I totally understand." Said Mr. I. "Yes, but you have to go to Apple store before the 20th."

We thanked him and left the store.

The corporations never lose doesn't matter how good their programs may seem, Jack and I concluded.

To be continued.

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