Friday, October 24, 2014

My Saturday with AT&T and Apple - part II

With Apple

Jack dropped me off at the mall in which the closest Apple store was located. We planned to have me camp out there all day if needed to resolve my iPhone blank screen issue.

The Apple store was not particularly crowded as it was still relatively early as far as malls were concerned. I walked up to the first unoccupied blue-shirt store agent (?) and explained the issue with my iPhone. When he heard that I didn't make an appointment, he directed me to talk to Ms. C. standing in the middle of the store, who was surrounded by a crowd. I didn't have to wait for too long to talk to Ms. C. Of course I had to explain the issue to her again. She searched the calendar and asked if I could stay in the store until 12:50, because that was the first available time slot. I said sure, it was only 45 minutes away, and I had the whole day. She put my name down and asked me to wait at a particular bench in the next row marked "Genius Bar."

I happily read my book with my iPad.

Not too long later an Apple genius greeted me. He seemed technical and respectable, and I didn't get his name. After checking, he carefully evaluated the phone, tried a few things, then said he needed to take it back to have a technician run some troubleshooting on it. But first I had to turn off the "find my iPhone" app. He left me alone to set and reset my iCloud password, I was in panic mode, cause I never remember my iCloud and iTunes passwords. Finally after 30 minutes of struggling, I did it. The genius came back and successfully turn off "find my iPhone" from his computer. He told me to come back after 30 minutes. I asked: "What do I do when I come back? How do I let you know I'm here?" He asked me to talk to Ms. C. know when I came back to the store.

I left and shopped around at the mall a little, then I came back to the Apple store. I announced myself to Ms. C. She then asked me to go to the back of the store and wait at the bench there. I went to the back and find another "Genius Bar." So I continued my reading there.

15 minutes later another genius came back with my phone and a box. He explained that they tried replaced the screen twice but it didn't work, so they decided it's broken, and they would replace my phone. It was easy as that, I was relieved. The genius also reassured to me three times that the data on my old phone was not backed up anywhere by them; the old phone was wiped, and to be recycled.

This friendly genius started helping setup the new iPhone 5S, but then I got stuck yet again on the iCloud backup. After failing a few times, I bet he wished that I would just disappeared. I got the clue and said I would do backup later when I got home. I thanked him for his assistance, and left.

It was close to 2 o'clock, and I was starved. I went to have a nice lunch as Nordstrom cafe and continue to read my book there until Jack came back to pick me up.

So, not too bad after all, but I still haven't figured out my passwords.

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