Friday, October 3, 2014

What would the Queen do?

A few weeks ago, one of my childhood friends in China posted my high school graduation picture on wechat. When I saw it in the morning I was upset. I moped for a couple of hours, then sent her a message asking her never to do this again without my permission. She was very apologetic, but I couldn't stop thinking about it for a few days, because I felt slightly violated.

Around the same time, I heard this news from England: David Cameron was talking to someone (Bloomberg?) in private about the Queen's reaction when he told her the Scotland voting result. "She purred down the line ... I have never seen her so pleased." Said the Prime Minister. Unfortunately, this private talk was caught on tape by a TV crew, and was made known to the world.

This inevitably made a big deal in the British media considering how much people like scandals involving politicians and Royalties. BBC was talking about this incident for weeks, and finally one day, two weeks later, they said the Prime Minister would meet the Queen in person. Then they spent 30 minutes analyzing how the Prime Minister could apologized to the Queen for this mishap.

Jack thought the Prime Minister didn't do anything wrong, but people misinterpreted what he said, and made it a big deal. I thought perhaps the Prime Minister shouldn't have used the word "purr" to describe the Queen, which undercut Her status, but people definitely overreacted.

The Queen, who has been through a lot of ups and downs in her life - the wars and Diana's death for instances, would do just the right thing. Perhaps, she would smile and graciously say: "No apology is needed."

All of a sudden, I felt so much better about my little disappointment with this friend.

When you are annoyed by little things and can't shake it off, just think: "What would the Queen do?" Or in Jack's case: "What would Llywelyn Fawr do?"

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