Monday, November 24, 2014

All I can remember about American Hustle

American Hustle had been playing repeatedly on TV for a couple of months, but we never had the motivation to watch it, because it was an Oscar nominated movie, which meant it had the potential to be super dramatic. And we don't need drama.

When I finally got to watch it last week in a stormy morning, I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it. It was a crime movie minus the depressing drama, and replaced it with interesting characteristics plus humorous dialogues. There is also a good selection 70's classical songs, which made it super classy.

Like all other criminal movies and dramas, we tried to make sure we watch them during the day instead of in the evening, so it wouldn't impact our sleep. To some, it is not an issue.

I happily recommended the movie to Jack, and we watched it on Saturday morning. As expected Jack also enjoyed the movie.

One of the few things I could remember was the dialogue between Rosalyn, played by Jennifer Lawrence and Irving, played by Christian Bale:

Rosalyn: You loved me, remember? You loved me.
Irving: I loved you because I thought you were mysterious, but then I found out you were just depressed.

The casting of Jennifer Lawrence was excellent, because she was the youngest, most beautiful, and her superb outshone all of her co-stars.

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