Thursday, November 6, 2014

Run for fun or run to win

Amy and Jake are very different dogs, even though they live together all Jake's life. From these two, I learned that every dog is different.

While Amy eats everything,  all the food in her bowl and what he splashes around, Jake is selective, and  he spits things out if he doesn't like them, such as pretzels or banana. He eats slower, and stops when he is full. He leaves the food in the bowl for later. 

Even though Amy is nine and a half years old, and 4 years older than Jake, Amy still out runs Jake, and when Amy runs after the ball, whether it is in the water or on land, Jake would give up running after it, and roll around in the mud instead. Half of the time, we hold Amy back, and let Jake have a head start on fetching, then let Amy go after Jake is 100 feet away. When he runs or swims, he is more relaxed and well paced, while Amy is more rush and aim to reach the ball first.

We concluded that Jake runs for fun, and Amy runs to win.

I figured, if you are born to be one type, you cannot live any other way.

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