Sunday, November 16, 2014

What's for dinner?

Last night we wanted to go out for dinner, but couldn't decide where to go, so we kept asking each other: "What's for dinner?"

At Smart & Final when we talked about it, Jack said, "well, I don't want to have Cantonese food or Italian food. The choices can be Indian food or Sichuan."

I said "OK. Or Sushi."

Then we kept thinking while going for other errands.

At Petsmart, I said, "well, I don't really want to have Indian food nor Sichuan."

"Oh, now you are making it difficult." Jack said. I smiled.

When we were done with all the errands, we were both hungry. I told Jack we should go for dinner before I start eating snacks, and I suggested that we could go to Korean tofu house. Jack agreed. It was a good compromise to the expensive Sushi, and the cool weather was suitable for hot soup.

When we got to the restaurant it was only around 5 PM, though it was already dark and chilly. We saw a lot of people waiting at the door, so we were a little worried. Luckily the people who were waiting had big parties, and there were still empty tables in the restaurant. I put our name done for 2, and we waited. The staff were doing their best to prepare the tables for dinner rush. We didn't need to wait for long to be seated.

I really enjoyed my tofu soup with pork dumplings, as well as all the small dishes that accompanied the meal: kim chi, various marinated vegetables and seaweed. I also watched the waitresses dashing around from table to table. The patrons were mostly Asian families.

While enjoying dinner, I was marveling how lucky we were living in an area where there were so many choices of ethnic foods for our picky taste buds. "Is it not like this everywhere else?" Jack asked. Actually no. I recalled, the very first time I had Korean food, I was in Austin, so as Indian food to think of it. I guess Austin was an interesting diverse town. But elsewhere is not so much. For instance, one of my coworkers said there was no decent Indian food in Portland where he lived.

When we left the restaurant, it was a full house, and there were people waiting.

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