Thursday, May 1, 2014

A wholesome belief

In a group, we studied Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's commentary of the ancient Hindi text: Ashtavakra Gita.

Sri Sri said:
You are complete, now.
You are all that you need, don't undermine yourself. A Guru is here to show you who you are. Whatever I am, that's who you are.

I often feel incomplete, because my knowledge is incomplete. I'm always searching, seeking for more knowledge and skills, as I feel my life so far has been on a path of learning and growing. I attend to classes, workshops to learn from others and to find ways to make me happier, stronger and wiser.

To hear this from the Guru was an eye opener. I have never thought of myself as complete, therefore I have not been freed.

The Guru said: growing is like removing the husk to let the rice show. You are already complete.

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