Monday, September 17, 2012

I found my watch

Last Sunday morning (yesterday), while Jack was making hummus, I was busy clearing our mails, which were piled up on the kitchen table for 2 months. This is truly one of my least favorite activities, but it has to be done.

I first sorted out the soliciting mails from the business mails, and separated Jack's and mine into 2 piles. For the soliciting mails, I put the ones with our address into the grinding pile and the rest in the recycle bin. I also opened up Jack's mails with a letter opener, while reading my own mails. I found a few bills but they were not time critical. Finally after 2 hours, I got to a point where I could see my dining table again, and there laid my long lost watch.

I was on a roll, so I went to reorganize my desk for the very first time in 8 years. I put away useless papers and outdated magazines. This time, I found my phone card and a nice wool glove, which was lost many years ago. Only now I don't know where the other one is.

Oh well, I'm sure it will show up sometime.

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