Saturday, September 1, 2012


When my friend Anne came to stay with us in June, we planted lavenders, jasmines, and other colorful flowers in the yard. She also sowed poppy seeds and replanted the tiny ice plants. She said it's probably too late in the season for the poppy seeds to grow, and we didn't think too much about it. It was just a great way to spend time together and for me to learn about gardening. By the way, I am a hopeless black thumb.

Over the few months, most of the colorful flowers except for the lavenders got dig up by the resident rodents, but surprisingly, some poppy plants were peaking out of the soil! Everyday I walk pass the yard, I couldn't help but appreciate the simplicity of life and power of the ecosystem. You sow the seeds, provide some water, and the Sun will help the plants grow. Our ice plans are growing 3 times bigger too!

Life on earth is such a miracle.

This is the 100th post, yippee!

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