Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My memories of September 11th

I am sure you must have your own memories 9/11/2001 no matter where you were that day. To me it was a very very sad day.

I lived in Austin, Texas back then, and was a new college hire working in a big computer technology company. It was an ordinary September morning, where the only thing I had to worry about was the 100 degree summer heat.

Around 10 AM we heard the news and people started to gather around the TV to watch the unbelievable story unfold. We saw repeating scenes of the twin towers crumbling down as if they were built with sand, and each time there was a little more detail. We saw people jumping off the buildings. The analysis of when the first plane hit the first tower and we heard the emergency calls. On the streets, people were running away for their lives from the debris and thick dusts, those scenes could only be seen on movies.

As I watched on, I felt very sad and I wanted to cry. The only thing on my mind was: "Oh my God! How could this happen?" I looked at others around me, and nobody said a word. They stood stern faced with their eyes fixed on the TV monitor. I felt that the country was under attacked and that we were at war. It was just so unreal that it was so close to home, or should I say, right at home.

After a while I couldn't stand it anymore, so I went back to work feeling heavy in my chest.

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