Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A sequence of events

Last night around 3 AM, my dog Amy was barking in the garage. After a few minutes of her barking, I went to check on her, because I didn't want to wake the neighbors. Amy and Jake came to the door to greet me, and I asked: "What's going on? Why are you barking?" Amy kept her head low, went back to her bed, lied down and looked at me. I closed the door and went back to bed.

Today I found that the garbage bin at the drive way got knocked over by wild animals.

9-10 Update:

We noticed that the once healthy home-grown potato plant was no longer green and bushy. Today we decided that maybe the potatoes were ready. I took a large grocery bag to collect the potatoes, and first I found a hole where the plant used to be. When I dug for the potatoes, I couldn't find any. How could it be? I told Jack to come and double check. He looked at the hole and pointed at the 2 marble-sized potatoes, and said: "There they are."

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